Zedelgem (Belgium) - 24/04/2018
Drone Future selected an international company as a service provider to expand quickly and to introduce them to target companies across the world. It is also expected that the service provider will help Drone Future look for interested partners, with a particular focus on the markets in the US, China, and the Middle East. The founders of Drone Future believe that this is a huge and fundamental step in the next phase of the company. It is these for these reasons that they selected an international company knowledgeable in the IP, inventions, startups, and global business connections. Drone Future possesses potential and knowledge in the development and IP industries. The company’s vision is to create additional value in the global drone and future delivery market. At present, the prototype is in the final testing stage. With this new agreement, Drone Future would be able to grow and expand quickly. For more information: Drone-future bvba Torhoutsesteenweg 206 C 8210 Zedelgem (Belgium) Kris Rottiers Founder/owner tel: +32 486 128 118 mail:[email protected]
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Zedelgem (Belgium) - 28/11/2017
Two weeks ago, Drone Future decided to purchase Raise 3D, a professional 3-D printer, for the in-house production of its own components for the proof of concept (POC). We are convinced that this is a faster, more cost-effective, and more productive way to create the POC. Through a 3-D printer, we would also be to show our concept faster to interested investors and clients. This week, we are ready to start printing these components. We believe that we would be ready by the end of January or the beginning of February. For more information: Drone-future bvba Torhoutsesteenweg 206 C 8210 Zedelgem (Belgium) Kris Rottiers Founder/owner tel.: +32 486 128 118 [email protected] Zedelgem (Belgium) - 24/10/2017 Two weeks ago, Drone Future started the design of the construction plans for creating the proof of concept. Over the past months and weeks, we received numerous positive feedback from companies, business owners, and professors in the high-tech and IP industry with the message that our company and our idea has a lot of potential worldwide, as well as that it can—and probably will—be the missing link in the commercial delivery in drones in the near future. We are focusing on the American and Chinese markets, which we see as our starting markets. We also have plans to target the European market in the near future. We believe that our proof of concept would be finished halfway through December. We will keep all our partners informed and updated. For more information: Drone-future bvba Torhoutsesteenweg 206 C 8210 Zedelgem (Belgium) Kris Rottiers Founder/owner tel.: +32 486 128 118 [email protected] |