Zedelgem (Belgium) - 08/03/2019
Drone-future will be present on the exhibition Dronedays at Brussels Expo on 15-16 and 17 March 2019. The proof of concept will be shown for the first time to the world. We will keep you updated with nice pictures and movies. Keep you all posted. For more information: Drone-future bvba Torhoutsesteenweg 206 C 8210 Zedelgem (Belgium) Kris Rottiers Founder/owner tel: +32 486 128 118 mail:[email protected] Zedelgem (Belgium) - 21/01/2019
Drone-future is selected as contestant for Drone Hero Europe. See this link below for our movie. End March Drone-future will know that we are selected as finalist in one of the categories. For more information: Drone-future bvba Torhoutsesteenweg 206 C 8210 Zedelgem (Belgium) Kris Rottiers Founder/owner tel: +32 486 128 118 mail:[email protected] Zedelgem (Belgium) - 02/01/2019 Friday (21/12/2018), drone-future was present at the official opening of droneport https://droneport.eu Drone future was present and received very positive feedback and reactions. Beginning 01/01/2019, drone-future will also open his branch office at droneport.
Drone-future has chosen to be present on Droneport, because the availability of the relevant knowledge and network opportunities at one place can be very useful for drone related startups as drone-future. Droneport is also an opportunity for Drone-future for receiving the necessary feedback and visibility nationally, but also internationally. We are convinced that a place like DronePort will create a giant added value and opportunity for our company. For more information: Drone-future bvba Torhoutsesteenweg 206 C 8210 Zedelgem (Belgium) Kris Rottiers Founder/owner tel: +32 486 128 118 mail:[email protected] Zedelgem (Belgium) - 17/11/2018 Drone-future closed a partnership with Noordzee drones supporting Drone-future in the pilot project in context of:
Below you can find the official communication (Dutch) For more information: Drone-future bvba Torhoutsesteenweg 206 C 8210 Zedelgem (Belgium) Kris Rottiers Founder/owner tel: +32 486 128 118 mail:[email protected] Zedelgem (Belgium) - 7/11/2018
Drone-future appeared again in press. Euka (www.euka.org) has written an article about the invention of Drone-future. Click here for the article (Dutch) For more information: Drone-future bvba Torhoutsesteenweg 206 C 8210 Zedelgem (Belgium) Kris Rottiers Founder/owner tel: +32 486 128 118 mail:[email protected]
Zedelgem (Belgium) - 12/07/2018
We are proud to present our prototype 1. Currently, we are testing the prototype with our own drone to adapt to problems and other issues we have found. At the end of August, a marketing video of the prototype would be sent to the media, all across the world, including interested companies in the US, Israel, Germany, and China who have already received our executive summary. For more information: Drone-future bvba Torhoutsesteenweg 206 C 8210 Zedelgem (Belgium) Kris Rottiers Founder/owner tel: +32 486 128 118 mail:[email protected] Zedelgem (Belgium) - 24/04/2018
Drone Future selected an international company as a service provider to expand quickly and to introduce them to target companies across the world. It is also expected that the service provider will help Drone Future look for interested partners, with a particular focus on the markets in the US, China, and the Middle East. The founders of Drone Future believe that this is a huge and fundamental step in the next phase of the company. It is these for these reasons that they selected an international company knowledgeable in the IP, inventions, startups, and global business connections. Drone Future possesses potential and knowledge in the development and IP industries. The company’s vision is to create additional value in the global drone and future delivery market. At present, the prototype is in the final testing stage. With this new agreement, Drone Future would be able to grow and expand quickly. For more information: Drone-future bvba Torhoutsesteenweg 206 C 8210 Zedelgem (Belgium) Kris Rottiers Founder/owner tel: +32 486 128 118 mail:[email protected] Zedelgem (Belgium) - 28/11/2017
Two weeks ago, Drone Future decided to purchase Raise 3D, a professional 3-D printer, for the in-house production of its own components for the proof of concept (POC). We are convinced that this is a faster, more cost-effective, and more productive way to create the POC. Through a 3-D printer, we would also be to show our concept faster to interested investors and clients. This week, we are ready to start printing these components. We believe that we would be ready by the end of January or the beginning of February. For more information: Drone-future bvba Torhoutsesteenweg 206 C 8210 Zedelgem (Belgium) Kris Rottiers Founder/owner tel.: +32 486 128 118 [email protected] |